Wednesday, February 22, 2012

One of those days...

I talked to my best friend Peachy and we were both feeling a bit blue. Quarter life crisis, anyone? Being "stuck in place and time" is something that we all don't want, but, when we think of responsibilities and the society's standard for being "complete" and successful it's just difficult to move. To move on and  move forward with things that you really want to do. These moments creep in without warning and take you one tear at a time but there are things that just pick you up and make you oh-so-positive again!!! :) This link was forwarded by ate Lei a few weeks ago and you'll feel that it was written and made just for you. Thank you Dr Seuss! 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Friday Lunch Outs

Friday, oh friday, oh how i love my fridays... After a whole week of hard work and classes, it's that day when we "can" (*wink*) go out for lunch and splurge a bit.

Happy diners at Ramen Bar, Eastwood City, Libis

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Dream Destination #2: The Arctic Circle

This is just too adorable not to share... 
from the Nat Geo website